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about - special priority (SPP)

FAQ's | definition of terms | eligibilty/acceptable ID | special priority (SPP) | priority II (PII)

Priority 1 – Special Priority Status – Ranks first on the CHR-WEC Wait List.

Special Priority Status is granted to Victims of Domestic Violence. Applicants receiving Special Priority Status rank first on the CHR-WEC Wait List.

In order to qualify for the Special Priority, the applicant or authorized designate must submit a Request for Special Priority Form from one of the approved sources identified on the form. Applicants must also otherwise be eligible for Rent Geared-To-Income (RGI) assistance or Special Needs Housing. The request must be in writing and must state that a member of the household has been subject to abuse from another individual; the abusing individual is or was living with the member or is sponsoring the member as an immigrant; and the abused member intends to live permanently apart from the abusing individual. If the applicant has separated from the abuser, they must apply for the Special Priority Status within 6 months of the date of separation. Separations longer than six months will be received and assessed on an individual basis and merit.

Special Priority RGI household member(s) are NOT required to pursue the specified document(s) if the pursuit of the documents(S) will place member(s)' safety at risk.

Windsor Location

2470 Dougall Avenue, Unit 6
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
N8X 1T2

Phone: 519-254-6994
Fax: 519-254-9166

Office hours

The CHR Office is open to the public on weekdays, Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m..

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