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Frequently Asked Questions - Ranking Order

The information is intended to highlight some of the information related to rent geared-to-income housing. It is not intended to provide all the information you may need to know.

  1. General Topics
  2. Waiting List
  3. Ranking Order
  4. Removal from the List
  5. Refusal to Offer
  6. Overhoused Households

Why do People who applied after me get Housed Before me?

All applications submitted to the Central Housing Registry – Windsor Essex County (CHR) are assessed for eligibility. Applications that are deemed eligible are placed on the centralized waiting list in a certain order. Placing your name on the waiting list in a certain order is called “ranking”.

The rules for ranking are made by the provincial government. The rules are made so everyone receives fair treatment.

The date on your application is important, but is not the only information used to place you in a certain order on the waiting list. There are many reasons why some people might get an offer for housing before you.

People who qualify for subsidized housing are “ranked” in the following order:

First The rules state that victims of domestic abuse and survivors of human trafficking are first on the list. This is called “Special Priority” status.

Second People that meet a certain set of factors are chosen second. This list of factors is on the application form. This is called “Priority II” status.

Third The date of the application is used to rank the third group of people. The person that has been waiting the longest for housing at a location they have chosen is next for subsidized housing. Individuals in this ranking are on the chronological waiting list.

A combination of the following factors may further affect waiting times:

If you have refused an offer – you will be made one (1) offer, and if you refuse the offer, your name will be removed from the social housing waiting list. You may re-apply, but your application will be approved with a new eligibility date and your wait will start over again.

Windsor Location

2470 Dougall Avenue, Unit 6
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
N8X 1T2

Phone: 519-254-6994
Fax: 519-254-9166

Office hours

The CHR Office is open to the public on weekdays, Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m..

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