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about - priority ii (PII)

FAQ's | definition of terms | eligibilty/acceptable ID | special priority (SPP) | priority II (PII)

Priority II – Ranks second on the CHR-WEC Wait List.

Households must otherwise be eligible for Rent Geared-To-Income (RGI) or Special Needs Housing in order to qualify for "Priority II". Applicants with Priority II Status rank second on the CHR-WEC Wait List. Applicants requesting Priority II are required to provide a completed Request for Priority II Form. Applicants applying for Priority II must also meet one or more of the following conditions:

  1. Homelessness:

    • Agency assisted person(s) without housing or person(s) without housing living in or that have lived in a temporary emergency shelter (i.e. Salvation Army, 1101 McDougall, Well Come Centre, Agency Sponsored placements) in the last 6 months and has not secured permanent affordable and/or adequate housing.

    • Person(s) whose permanent residence has been destroyed and are not entitled to funds to rectify the circumstance, including funds for permanent affordable and/or adequate housing and have no place to live.

    • Person(s) living in substandard housing which has been condemned by the municipality.

  2. Households with a child(ren) separated from each other by a child protection agency due to lack of housing and housing is the sole reason where the child(ren) will be returned to the household by a child protection agency when the household secures adequate housing.
  3. Households with child(ren) where a child protection agency confirms the child(ren) will be removed from the household if the household does not secure adequate housing and inadequate housing is the sole reason or the such removal.
  4. Person(s) or groups designated as having Priority II Status by the Service Manager in the establishment of local priority rules from time to time, This would include programs funded by the Service Manager.

Priority II applicants must:

Windsor Location

2470 Dougall Avenue, Unit 6
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
N8X 1T2

Phone: 519-254-6994
Fax: 519-254-9166

Office hours

The CHR Office is open to the public on weekdays, Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m..

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